Abelardo Hernandez, Cuba

Abelardo Hernandez was born in Cuba and studied in Havana, where he graduated in art at the Art School of San Alejandro in 1987. Today Abelardo lives and works in Barcelona, Spain. Through his artworks, Abelardo’s message is freedom and infinite curiosity for everything around him that creates a real aesthetic and cultural mixture. He reinterprets what is beauty (for him). His themes are miscellaneous but always related to characters from different cultures and folklores.

Abelardo plays with volumes, plans, colours and relieve. All his works are conducted with a unique technic. We can describe his technic as a three-dimensional collage. He starts with a flat drawing and then he fragments the work in volumes to create light and shadow. Superposing several layers of cardboard and rare paper, Abelardo creates deepness that will be revealed when the observer change viewing angles. The impact of extra lighting on the artworks amplifies shadows and creates a unique visual sensation.







Liang Mingkang, Taiwan


Wu Lianbin